Balanced Innovation Card key figure system

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The Balanced Innovation Card (BIC) is a model for planning and controlling projects in innovation management . This model represents a modification of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), which supports the implementation of strategies and the achievement of company goals.

The use of a BIC leads to a holistic view of the innovation management and aims at the efficient design of the entire innovation management. The framework for this model is set by the innovation or corporate strategy determined by management. Similar to the balanced scorecard approach, the cause-effect relationships also determine the BIC model. The BIC is especially designed for the innovation management of medium-sized companies. The BIC approach requires the definition of four perspectives and the four necessary strategic goals, which are derived from the strategy orientation. The measurability of the specified goals is achieved by defining appropriate key figures.

The basic model of a BIC comprises the following four perspectives :

  • Culture of innovation
  • Innovation resources
  • Innovation process
  • Innovation output

The perspectives of the basic model can be exchanged in practice, since the individual goals and key figures must be tailored to the respective company. The various strategic goals within the four perspectives of a BIC and the associated key figures are shown in the table below.

Strategic goals "culture of innovation" Key figures
Signaling the meaning of

Innovations through leadership behavior

Milestone decision with participation of the management / milestone decision in the company
Promotion of innovative thinking among employees Number of ideas submitted per employee
Promotion of internal communication Average use of information systems
Promotion of interdisciplinary project structures Departments represented in the project team
Strategic goals "innovation resources" Key figures
Increase in staff availability Number of employees in innovation management / number of employees in the company
Improvement of the qualifications of the MA Number of further training measures on the subject of "innovation management per employee"
Increase in the capital made available for innovations Innovation management costs / total company costs
Intensification of cooperation in the network Number of cooperation partners
Strategic goals "innovation process" Key figures
Early customer orientation Number of customer meetings before concept development / number of customer meetings before market launch
Reduction of the innovation time Average project duration
Optimization of the time to market Number of work packages completed on schedule / number of work packages until market launch
Optimization of the evaluation and selection processes Number of abandoned ideas before concept implementation / number of abandoned ideas before market launch
Strategic goals "innovation output" Key figures
Increase in customer satisfaction Survey result
Increase in innovation efficiency Present value of sales with new products in year n / present value of payments for innovation projects
Increase in the rate of innovation Profit with new projects in year n / business profit in year n
Increase in innovation success Number of successful product innovations / number of product innovations

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Rautenstrauch: Balanced Scorecard in medium-sized companies. Empirical results and implications . In: Volker Lingnau (ed.): Use of controlling instruments in medium-sized companies . Eul Verlag, Lohmar 2006, ISBN 3-89936-431-7 , pp. 1-17.
  2. Christine Beeck: Balanced Innovation Card. Strategic innovation management instrument for medium-sized automotive suppliers . In: Anette von Ahsen (ed.): Evaluation of innovations in medium-sized companies . Springer, Heidelberg 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-01699-8 , pp. 123-140.
  3. Key figures of the Balanced Innovation Card. Source: Own illustration based on Beeck, Balanced Innovation Card , 2010.