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Balbus (literally "stutterer") was a cognomen in several Roman families.

Of the Acilii Balbi , Manius Acilius Balbus was consul in 150 BC. BC, another in 114 BC. Another family belonged to Titus Ampius Balbus, a follower of Pompey , who was pardoned by Caesar (see Cicero ad Fam. Vi. 12 and xiii. 70). There was also Q. Antonius Balbus, Praetor in Sicily 82 BC. And Marcus Atius Balbus , who married Iulia , a sister of Caesar, and had a daughter with her, Atia, the mother of Augustus .

Other consuls with this cognomen were:

Other important bearers of the cognomen "Balbus" were two Gades- born Cornelii Balbi, from the plebeian branch of the Cornelier :

Balbus is the name of a Roman surveyor: