Balthasar Báthory

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Balthasar Báthory ( Hungarian: Boldizsár Báthory, * 1560  ? † September 11, 1594 in Szamosújvár ) was like his brother Andreas Báthory an opponent of the Habsburgs from Transylvania .

Both grew up at the Polish royal court. In 1588 Boldizsár became a councilor in Transylvania under Sigismund Báthory , and later, under Sándor Kendi, gradually became an oppositionist and opponent of the attacks on the Turks. Sigismund Báthory's jealousy and opposition to his talented relative Boldizsár Báthory led to Transylvania facing its negative fate around 1590 - favored by secret Habsburg cunning.

In May of 1594, when violent conflicts broke out in the state parliament, Sigismund Báthory transferred the government to Boldizsár, but took power back in August of the same year. Sigismund was persuaded by the papal envoy Alfonz Carillo to ally himself with Emperor Rudolf and attack the Turks. In the parliamentary session of August, Csikszék , Udvarhely and Háromszék voted against the lifting of the peace with the Turks, which the Szász , Székely and the castle communities wanted. The councilors were opposed to the matter. Sigismund recognized these decisions and arrested the most important opposition nobles, including Boldizsár Báthory, and had them strangled in prison by György Ravazdi , lord of Szamosújvár . (Ravazdi was later lynched by the Székely.)