Barnabe Barnes

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The Devil's Charter, title page of the first edition from 1607

Barnabe Barnes (* around 1569 in Yorkshire ; † 1609 ) was an English poet.


Barnes was the younger son of the Bishop of Durham, Richard Barnes, and a contemporary of William Shakespeare ; which he in all probability did not know personally.

At the age of about 17, Barnes enrolled at Oxford University in 1586 . Around 1588/1590 Barnes broke off his studies without a degree and was recruited by Robert Devereux in 1591 . Devereux led an army that should come to the aid of the French King Henry IV .

Barnes returned to Great Britain shortly, and died there in 1609 at the age of about 40.

Barne's literary work includes elegies , madrigals , odes and sonnets . Barnes dedicated some of the latter to the Earl of Southampton, the Countess Marie Pembroke and others. a. Members of the court. His drama " The Devil's Charter " was against Pope Alexander VI. and directed its policy.


  • Parthenophil and Parthenope (probably London 1593).
  • A divine centurle of spirituali sons. 1595 (reprinted in Hellconia. 2nd volume.)
  • Four books of offices. 1606, a court handbook.
  • The Divil's Charter. 1607 (original English text ).
