Baron Fisher

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John Arbuthnot Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher

Baron Fisher , of Kilverstone in the County of Norfolk , is a hereditary British title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom .


The title was created on December 7, 1909 for the Admiral of the Fleet Sir Jackie Fisher . As the First Sea Lord, he had great influence on the building policy of the Royal Navy in the period immediately before and during the First World War . In particular, he was responsible for building the first capital ships . His son and heir to the title, Cecil (1868–1955), inherited the arms manufacturer Josiah Vavasseur in 1909, took the double name "Vavasseur Fisher" as a family name.

List of Barons Fisher (1909)

Title heir ( Heir apparent ) is the second-born son of the current Earl, the Hon. Benjamin Carnegie Vavasseur Fisher (* 1986).

Literature and web links

Individual evidence

  1. London Gazette . No. 28317, HMSO, London, December 14, 1909, p. 9514 ( PDF , accessed March 26, 2014, English).
  2. London Gazette . No. 32162, HMSO, London, December 14, 1920, p. 12341 ( PDF , accessed March 26, 2014, English).
  3. London Gazette . No. 44641, HMSO, London, July 25, 1968, p. 8200 ( PDF , accessed March 26, 2014, English).