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Barschanbu († 1317 in Old Dunqula ) was a Nubian king who ruled the empire of Makuria from 1316 to 1317 .

Abdallah Barschanbu was the son of the sister of the Nubian ruler David . He grew up in Cairo . 1315 attacked Sultan Al-Malik an-Nasir Muhammad Nubia and was able to depose the local ruler Kernabes . An-Nasir Muhammad put Barschanbu on the throne of Makuria. On the one hand he was a Muslim, on the other hand he came from the royal family of Makuria. Barschanbu, however, disregarded numerous Nubian customs and quickly became unpopular.

During this time, Kanz ed-Dawla , who lived in Cairo, asked the Sultan an-Nasir Muhammad whether he could go to Aswan to collect taxes on water wheels that belonged to him in this area for the Sultan. Sultan an-Nasir Muhammad consented. Arrived in Aswan, Kanz ed-Dawla was welcomed with joy by the Nubians on the border there and crowned king. He moved on to Old Dunqula where he defeated and killed Barschanbu.

See also
