Bartolome José Gallardo

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Bartolomé José Gallardo (born August 13, 1776 in Campanario, Badajoz province , † September 14, 1852 in Alcoi ) was a Spanish librarian, author, Romanist and Hispanist .

life and work

Gallardo studied in Salamanca and taught in Madrid from 1805, first French, then logic. In 1811 he became parliamentary librarian. The publication of his Enlightenment Diccionario crítico-burlesco earned him a three-month imprisonment. In 1814 he emigrated to London and was sentenced to death in absentia. In 1820 he returned to his librarianship in Madrid, but in 1823 again spent several months in prison. From 1835 he published his magazine El Criticón , of which 5 issues could appear up to 1836 (three more posthumously). From 1834 to 1838 he was a member of parliament. In 1841 he retired.

Gallardo left behind manuscripts of important scholarly studies that were published posthumously, most notably the Ensayo on Spanish literary history, which has recently been reissued several times.

Gallardo is considered to be one of the "defining representatives of the Spanish literature of ideas of the first half of the 19th century" (Hans-Joachim Lope).


  • Diccionario crítico-burlesco , Cádiz 1811, Madrid 1820; Madrid 1838, ed. by Josep Fontana, Barcelona 1993; ed. by Alejandro Pérez Vidal, Madrid 1994
  • El criticón. Papel volante de literatura y bellas artes 1–5, 1835–1836; 2 vols., Campanario 1999-2001; 6-8, 1859
  • Ensayo de una biblioteca española de libros raros y curiosos formados con los apuntamientos de don Bartolomé José Gallardo, ed. by Manuel Remón Zarco del Valle (1833–1922), José Sancho Rayón (1840–1900) and Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo , 4 vols., Madrid 1863–1889, 1968, Valladolid 2012, La Coruña 2014 (alphabetical catalog)
  • Obras escogidas , ed. by Pedro Sáinz Rodríguez, Madrid 1928
  • E l Cancionero de Gallardo , ed. by José María Azáceta, Madrid 1962
  • Diczionario. Apuntes. Facsímile del manuscrito autógrafo , ed. by Francisco Calero and Nieves Agraz, Badajoz 1996
  • Vocabulario provincial americano y otros léxicos. Transcripción y facsímiles de los manuscritos , ed. by Francisco Calero and Valentín Moreno, Badajoz 2012


  • Antonio Rodríguez-Moñino y Rodríguez, Don Bartolomé José Gallardo 1776-1852. Estudio bibliográfico , Madrid 1955
  • Antonio Rodríguez-Moñino, Catálogo de los libros y papeles robados al insigne bibliógrafo Don Bartolomé José Gallardo el día 13 de junio de 1823 , Madrid 1957
  • Pedro Sáinz Rodríguez (1898–1986), Bartolomé Gallardo y la crítica de su tiempo , Madrid 1986
  • H omenaje a D. Bartolomé J. Gallardo , Campanario 1987
  • Hans-Joachim Lope, The Literature of the 19th Century, in: History of Spanish Literature , ed. by Christoph Strosetzki, Tübingen 1991, pp. 281–321 (here: 302)
  • Agustín de la Granja, Índice onomástico del "Ensayo de una biblioteca española" de Bartolomé J. Gallardo , Málaga 2008

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