Bartomeu Mas i Collellmir

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Bartomeu Mas i Collellmir (* 1900 in Les Preses (near Olot), † 1980 in Olot ) was a Catalan painter and sculptor .

Mas i Collellmir was a student of Melcior Domenge at the “Acadèmia Baixas de Barcelona”. He also attended the art academy “La Llotja” in Barcelona, ​​where he also taught from 1929. A little later he became a professor at the Olot Art Academy , which he also headed from 1951 to 1970. Under his direction, he placed great emphasis on the training of the technical foundations of the fine arts. He opened a ceramics workshop at the Olot Art Academy. He also revived the craftsmanship of engraving there. He published a treatise on perspective. As a creator of figures, he distinguished himself through outstanding and precise technology.


  • Article Mas i Collellmir, Bartomeu. In: Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana . Volume 9, 1st edition, Barcelona 1976, ISBN 84-85194-02-0 (for volume 9), page 673
  • Ajuntament d'Olot, Museu Comarcal Olot (editor): Directors de l'Escola, Obres i Etapes, Escola de Belles Arts 1783 - 1983 (Edicions Municipals No 21), Olot 1983, 32 unnumbered pages, exhibition catalog from 1983 in Catalan, from page 28 "Bartomeu Mas i Collellmir, Director de l'Escola 1951 - 1970"
  • Ajuntament d'Olot (editor), Josep M. Canals: Diccionari Biogràfic d'Olot, Olot 2015, ISBN 978-84-938058-4-5 , page 447, article "Mas i Collellmir, Bartomeu"

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