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Brooklyn Museum 1998.172.1 Warriors Knife.jpg
Brooklyn Museum 22,400 Dagger.jpg

The Basakpwa is an African knife or short sword . It is used by the Ngbandi and Yakoma peoples .


Typical of these knives is the split blade neck or ricasso directly on the wooden handle, which is wrapped with copper wire. The blade can take various shapes, including curved or straight. It often has a pronounced central ridge. Length varies from about 30 to 50 cm. Use as a representation and jewelry knife.


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Individual evidence

  1. Zirngibl u. Kubetz: panga na visu , 2009, p. 292
  2. Agthe u. Strauss: Waffen aus Zentral-Afrika , 1985, pp. 108–110
  3. Zirngibl u. Kubetz: panga na visu 2009, p. 292
  4. ^ Zirngibl: Rare African Handguns , 1983 p. 123
  5. Zirngibl u. Kubetz: panga na visu , 2009, p. 292
  6. Zirngibl u. Kubetz: panga na visu 2009, p. 292
  7. ^ Zirngibl: Rare African Handguns , 1983 p. 123
  8. Agthe u. Strauss: Waffen aus Zentral-Afrika , 1985, pp. 108–110
  9. Zirngibl u. Kubetz: panga na visu , 2009, p. 292