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Basilitzes ( Middle Greek Βασιλίτζης , † after 914) was a Byzantine patrician and senator of Slavic origin.


Basilitzes was a confidante of the Emperor Alexander (912-913), to whose followers he had belonged even before the accession to the throne. When Alexander after the death of his brother Leo VI. rose to become sole ruler, he was supposed to collect Basilitzes to co-emperor and the rightful heir to the throne, his nephew Constantine Porphyrogenitus , emasculate leave; Arethas von Kaisareia even speaks explicitly of the fact that Alexander “ handed over the rule of the Romans” ( τὰ τῆς Ῥωμαίων ἀρχῆς παρεδιδοτο ) to the “Slavic boy” ( Σκλαβηνόν μειράκιον ). Ultimately, however, the old followers of Leo VI would have it. and prevented the untimely death of Alexander. Leo's widow and Konstantin's mother Zoe Karbonopsina , who took over the affairs of state in 914, removed Basilitzes and Alexander's other favorites from the court ; his further fate is unknown.

