Base (module)

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The concept of the basis of a module is a generalization of the concept of the basis of a vector space in the mathematical branch of algebra . As with these, a base of a module is defined as a linearly independent generating system; In contrast to vector spaces, however, not every module has a basis.


A system of elements of a module over a ring with one element defines a map

from the direct sum of copies from after that from the illustrations

is induced.

  • Is injective , it means linearly independent .
  • If surjective , then a generating system is called .
  • If bijective , then a base is called from .

A basis is therefore a linearly independent generating system.


The linear independence of is equivalent to the fact that the 0 can only be represented as the trivial linear combination:

If a set is linearly dependent, it generally does not follow from this - in contrast to the case of vector spaces - that one of the elements can be represented as a linear combination of the others. This has the following consequences:

  • In general, a linearly independent subset cannot be added to a basis.
  • A maximally linearly independent subset is generally not a basis.
  • A minimal generating system is generally not a basis.

Consider the module as an example : The system {2} is maximally linearly independent, the system {2,3} is a minimal generating system, neither of the two is a basis.

A module over a ring with a single element has a base if and only if it is free . The term free module is a generalization of the basic existence on modules whose base ring does not necessarily have a single element. Each sub-module of a free module is free again via main ideal rings .

Inductive calculation of a base

If a free module is over a main ideal ring and a sub-module of , then a basis of inductive can be calculated:

Be a base of , consider .

The ideal is generated by the ring element and it is


then applies .


Let be a module and the sub-module is defined by .

A basis of can now be calculated as follows:

We are now looking for the smallest positive that satisfies the above equation.

We're looking for the smallest positive that satisfies the equation.

We have found a base .


ℤ as a ℤ module

Let it be the Abelian group of whole numbers as a module over the ring of whole numbers. Then

  • a maximal linearly independent subset, but no generating system.
  • a minimal generating system, but not linearly independent.

The only bases of are and .

Grid in ℝ n as a ℤ module

Lattice with basis vectors and

Let there be linearly independent vectors of the Euclidean vector space . Then it is called the module

a lattice with a base of rank .

Grids in play a central role in the theory of elliptic functions and elliptic curves , grids in are related to complex Tori and Abelian varieties .