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The term sub-module generalizes the term sub-vector space of a vector space to a module over a ring .


Let be a right module over the unitary ring . A subgroup of is called -submodule when it is completed regarding the multiplication with elements . This means that for all and all is . The term for left modules is explained accordingly.

Examples and further definitions

  • Each module has the trivial sub-module and the sub-module .
  • If a legal module is and , it is a sub-module of . It is the cyclic sub-module created by.
  • If the ring is a right ideal , then there is a sub- module of as a right module.
  • If there are sub-modules of , then there is a sub-module of . It is the smallest sub-module of that contains and .
  • If there is a family of sub-modules, then is a sub-module. It is the largest sub-module contained in all of them .
  • The union of sub-modules is generally not a sub-module. So are sub-modules of but .

Sum of sub-modules

  • If there is a right module above the ring and a family of sub- modules , then is
a sub-module. It is the sum of the sub-modules .
  • Be a subset of . Then
the smallest sub-module of which contains the set . Is
so creates the sub-module . One also says is a generating system of .
  • If the sub-module is generated by a finite set , it is called finitely generated. Is the crowd so is .
  • A module is simply called when the only real sub-module is. A sub-module of is called maximum if the following applies to all sub-modules with : or . A module is simple precisely when every cyclic sub-module is already the same . If a real sub-module of a finitely generated module is contained in a maximum sub-module.

Inner direct sum of sub-modules

The inner direct sum of modules is defined like the inner direct sum of vector spaces. In contrast to a vector space, not every module has a basis, so that a module is usually not the inner direct sum of cyclic sub-modules.


Be a family of sub-modules of the legal module and . Then the following statements are equivalent.

  • For all is .
  • The following applies to all finite subsets : If , where for all , then applies to all . Each can therefore be represented in exactly one way as the sum of elements from the .

If one of these statements applies, the inner direct sum is called the . This direct sum becomes with

designated. The sub-module of is called a direct summand of , if there is a sub-module of with . The module is called directly indivisible or simply indivisible if it has no direct summand unequal .


  1. If there is a vector space over a field or a sloping body and a base of and is the subspace generated by for each , then is .
  2. Every simple module cannot be dismantled directly.
  3. If there is an integrity ring and its quotient field , then as a module over is indivisible.
  4. is not a direct summand, since there is no injective morphism are

Special sub-modules

Maximum sub-modules

A sub-module is called maximum if no real sub-module of M actually contains it.

is a maximum sub-module if and only if the factor module is simple . Every real sub-module of a finitely generated module is in a maximal sub-module. That is, in particular, each ring has maximum ideals. But there are also modules that do not contain any maximum sub-modules. So has no maximum sub-modules.

Large sub-modules


For a sub-module of are equivalent:

  • For all sub-modules with is .
  • For each there is a with .

If a sub-module fulfills one of the equivalent properties, then capital in . Sometimes this is abbreviated to.


  • In the as module, each sub-module is large.
  • The last example can be generalized. If a torsion-free Abelian group, then a subgroup is large if and only if the factor group is a torsion module.
  • If a prime number and a natural number are greater than 1, then is large in each sub-module.
  • In a semi-simple module , only the module itself is large in itself.


  • If is big in and a sub-module of with , then big is in .
  • Is big in and big in , so is big in .
  • Is a filtering family of sub-modules of, and is great in each , so is great in .
  • If there are two families of sub-modules of and if the sum is direct, then the following applies: If all are large in , then large in .
  • A sub-module is called closed if it is not part of any real main module. For each sub-module there is a closed sub-module , so in is big .
  • If there are two sub-modules of with , then there is a super-module of , which is maximal with regard to the property . It's big in . It is an average complement of . An average complement is by no means clearly determined.
  • If there is a sub-module of , there is an intersecting complement of . To is an intersection complement of such that is a sub-module of . It's big in and complete in .

The base of a module

If there is a module, the average of all large sub-modules is equal to the sum of all simple sub-modules. This sub-module is called the base of . It is the largest semi-simple sub-module of . He is designated with . Is

is a homomorphism between modules , then is a sub-module of . In particular, this means that the base a -submodule of is when the Endmorphismenring of is. The base of the ring as a right module is a two-sided ideal. Also is

The base is a pre-radical. It can be exchanged for direct sums. That means: if a family of sub-modules, the sum of which is direct, then is


Small sub-modules

A sub-module is called small in if the following applies to all sub-modules of : Is , so is .


  • is small in each upper module.
  • In a free Abelian group, only the module is small.
  • In every finitely generated subgroup is small as a submodule.


  • The finite sum of small sub-modules is small.
  • If is a homomorphism and is small in , then small in .
  • A cyclic sub-module is not small in if and only if there is a maximum sub-module with .

The radical of a module

The sum of all small sub-modules of is equal to the average of all maximum sub-modules of . This sub-module is called radical of . He is designated with .

Properties of the radical

  • If a homomorphism is a sub-module of (see also Jacobson radical ). The radical is a sub-function of identity. In particular, it is a two-sided ideal.
  • . The smallest sub-module of with is .
  • The radical can be exchanged for direct sums. This means that if a family of modules, then: .
  • is a sub-module of .
  • Is finitely generated, then is small in .
  • If the ideal is finitely generated and the ideal is a sub-module of , then small in . This is the Nakayama lemma .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kasch: Modules and Rings , 2.3.11
  2. ^ Kasch: modules and rings. P. 34.
  3. ^ Frank W. Anderson, Kent R. Fuller: Rings and Categories of Modules (= Graduate Texts in Mathematics 13). 2nd edition. Springer, New York NY et al. 1992, ISBN 3-540-97845-3 , p. 72.


  • Friedrich Kasch: modules and rings. Teubner, Stuttgart 1977, ISBN 3-519-02211-7 .
  • Robert Wisbauer: Fundamentals of module and ring theory. Reinhard Fischer, Munich 1988, ISBN 3-88927-044-1 .