Bassa (unit)

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The bassa was once an Italian measure of volume and fluidity and another time a measure of weight. In the dimensional chain it was one of the smaller ones and this is how the measure classified itself:

  • 1 Brenta = 3 Staja = 6 Mina = 12 Quartaro = 16 Bassa = 48 Pinta = 96 Boccale
  • Wine measure in Milan
  • Oil measure in Venice and Verona
    • 3 1/5 bassa = 1 miro
    • 129 Bassa = 1 Migliajo
  • Oil measure in Venice
  • Oil and wine measure in Verona
    • 1 bassa = 4083 ¾ grams
    • 1 Bassa = 228 7/8 Parisian cubic inches = 4½ liters

See also


  • Johann Friedrich Krüger : Complete manual of the coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world. Verlag Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg and Leipzig, 1830, p. 17