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Wilhelmøya (middle) with Kiepertøya, Langeøya and Ehrenbergøya (right)
Wilhelmøya (middle) with Kiepertøya, Langeøya and Ehrenbergøya (right)
Waters Hinlopenstrasse
archipelago Spitsbergen
Geographical location 79 ° 0 ′  N , 21 ° 21 ′  E Coordinates: 79 ° 0 ′  N , 21 ° 21 ′  E
Bastianøyane (Svalbard and Jan Mayen)
Number of islands eight main islands
Main island Langeøya
Total land area 5 km²
Residents uninhabited
Bastian Islands on the map by August Petermann
Bastian Islands on the map by August Petermann

Bastianøyane ( German  Bastian Islands ) is the name of an archipelago southeast of Wilhelmøya at the southern exit of the Hinlopen Strait in the Svalbard Archipelago . The Rønnbeckøyane join to the south. The island consist of basaltic intrusions . They are barren and rocky and are often visited by polar bears . The Bastianøyane has been part of the Northeast Svalbard Nature Reserve since 1973 .

The archipelago is named after the German ethnologist Adolf Bastian , founder of the Museum of Ethnology in Berlin .

Main islands

Surname Origin of name Height
Langeøya Henry Lange , German cartographer 56
Kiepertøya Heinrich Kiepert , German geographer 35
Pescheløya Oscar Ferdinand Peschel , German geographer 32
Ehrenbergøya Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg , German zoologist 30th
Konerøya Wilhelm Koner (1817–1887), German geographer 27
Klödenøya Gustav Adolf von Klöden , German geographer 11
Deegenøya H. Deegen, secretary of the Berlin Committee for the German polar voyage 32
Geograføya "Geographers Island" 37


The Bastianøyane were discovered in 1868 by the First German North Polar Expedition led by Captain Carl Koldewey and roughly measured. They appear for the first time on a card from August Petermann from 1871, who primarily honored his German colleagues with the name.

In 1995 there was a tragic incident on Kiepertøya in which a polar bear killed a person.

Individual evidence

  1. Bastianøyane . In: The Place Names of Svalbard (first edition 1942). Norsk Polarinstitutt , Oslo 2001, ISBN 82-90307-82-9 (English, Norwegian).
  2. islands of Hinlopen Strait on , accessed on December 7, 2012
  3. ^ Karl Koldewey: The first German north polar expedition in 1868 . Justus Perthes, Gotha 1871, p. 48 ff . ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  4. Hinlopenstretet's wildlife on the Norwegian Polar Institute website, accessed December 7, 2012