Building land

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As land , or build a spatially defined part of the earth's surface designated for the construction law with a building is given necessary legal and natural conditions. Building land can consist of several contiguous plots of land or these are created as part of a building land reallocation .

The individual plot of land is called a building plot or building site . During the duration of construction work, one speaks of a construction site .


Building land - or the designation or dedication as such - can arise in different ways. In any case, the development must be secured and there must be no natural obstacles that make building impossible.

Legally, a property acquires building land quality either through the explicit designation of the property as building land in a qualified development plan , or through its location in a largely built-up area ( vacant lot ).

Unfinished building land means that a corresponding development plan has already become legally binding, but unlike land that is ready for building , development has not yet taken place.
A distinction must also be Paid of finished land : The subject land the reorganization of the area is complete, so that the owner can be forced to tilling. In the case of the finished building land, the infrastructure costs are also allocated and can be transferred to the owner.
There is also temporary building land for which there is only a temporary building permit.

To be separated from the building land is expected building land , these are areas for which it can be expected that they will become building land within a foreseeable period of time. Surfaces in zoning are provided for the construction are usually only Bauerwartungsland because the land use plan does not create a construction law.



Development of purchase values ​​(average prices)
Purchase values ​​for building land according to selected building land types in a time comparison
year Total building land Land ready for construction Unfinished land Other building land
Average purchase value in EUR / m²
1992 25.09 43.16 10.94 15.60
1993 30.59 49.06 13.30 17.63
1994 35.58 55.66 15.70 18.69
1995 35.93 58.02 14.68 19.51
1996 41.53 61.37 17.60 22.43
1997 44.47 64.70 18.84 21.23
1998 48.25 69.69 21.30 23.36
1999 49.60 70.65 20.51 23.42
2000 51.79 76.21 22.70 25.62
2001 50.18 75.20 19.46 25.60
2002 58.43 80.44 22.66 25.51
2003 76.90 99.89 24.13 41.04
2004 76.93 103.47 27.00 34.91
former federal Territory
1999 59.67 81.64 23.73 30.95
2000 63.03 89.37 25.49 35.95
2001 61.63 88.70 21.40 36.99
2002 68.29 91.82 24.75 32.66
2003 92.37 117.33 27.07 54.93
2004 97.31 129.02 32.31 47.69
New countries and East Berlin
1999 29.20 44.67 14.91 11.31
2000 30.75 48.17 16.87 12.29
2001 27.86 44.94 14.35 11.54
2002 35.15 50.45 16.90 14.56
2003 35.04 48.95 15.48 11.95
2004 31.88 44.92 12.87 10.90
Source: Federal Statistical Office, purchase values ​​for building land, Fachserie 17, Reihe 5
Updated November 21, 2005
Price overview 2002
Purchase values ​​for building land according to selected building land types and countries in 2002
country Total building land Land ready for construction Unfinished land Other building land
Average purchase value in EUR / m²
Baden-Württemberg 127.17 154.90 37.58 59.27
Bavaria 103.80 129.52 37.61 58.43
Berlin 128.69 143.65 - -
Brandenburg 50.00 56.19 24.85 40.52
Bremen 67.07 81.91 - -
Hamburg - - - -
Hesse 92.02 116.86 33.53 28.59
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 30.59 51.20 14.99 6.12
Lower Saxony 48.33 61.70 22.24 22.94
North Rhine-Westphalia 88.68 114.16 44.24 35.89
Rhineland-Palatinate 54.85 85.89 19.85 35.62
Saarland 40.12 59.48 17.22 19.33
Saxony 40.33 68.55 16.56 8.89
Saxony-Anhalt 25.65 34.53 9.99 12.17
Schleswig-Holstein 54.77 84.36 21.85 25.68
Thuringia 24.50 41.45 12.50 11.56
Germany 58.43 80.44 22.66 25.51
former federal Territory 68.29 91.82 24.75 32.66
New countries and East Berlin 35.15 50.45 16.90 14.56
Updated March 31, 2004

Legal issues

Building land is also a legal term . According to Section 9 (3) BauNVO , the area of ​​the building site that is in the building land and behind the road delimitation line set out in the development plan is decisive for determining the permissible floor area. If a road boundary line is not defined, the area of ​​the building plot that lies behind the actual road boundary or that is defined in the development plan as decisive for determining the permissible floor area is decisive. Pursuant to Section 133 (1 ) BauGB , developed properties for which structural or commercial use is not specified are subject to the obligation to contribute if they are building land according to the public opinion and are due for building according to the orderly structural development of the municipality. The valuation of building land and building land as well as building facilities must be based on the market value ( Section 29 (1) Land Act ).

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: Building land  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations