Bavarian hospital register

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The Bavarian Hospital Register (BKR) was the official directory of Bavarian hospitals and their offer structure. In December 2008, the Bavarian hospital register was included in the German hospital register. It offered an integrated search function with selectable criteria and a connection to the individual homepages of the hospitals. The BKR was a free service of the Bavarian hospitals and the Bavarian Hospital Society .

The BKR made it possible to search for inpatient acute hospitals and offered extensive information material on hospital care in Bavaria.

The BKR directory was only available on the Internet. A CD-ROM or a print version did not exist.

The Bavarian Hospital Register was the starting point and template for the German Hospital Directory (DKV) and has since appeared in cooperation with the DKV.

Information on resident doctors in Bavaria is available from the medical search service of the Bavarian State Medical Association . Further information on contracted doctors and psychotherapists can also be found at the doctor and psychotherapist search of the Bavarian Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians .