Bavarian railroader's lapel

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The Bavarian Railway Reverse was a decree issued by the Bavarian Transport Minister Lorenz von Seidlein on June 1, 1913 , which required workers and civil service candidates placed in the service of the Royal Bavarian State Railways to sign a lapel not to be a member of an association that promoted the strike declared permissible.


The German Center Party called for a tougher fight against the South German Railway Union, which was ruled by Social Democrats and attracted more and more supporters among the Bavarian transport staff.

Truce policy

Even after the beginning of the First World War, the Hertling cabinet was not ready to lift the lapel, although the association concerned asked for it with reference to the truce policy of the Reich leadership. Only when the beginning of the state parliament session in 1915/1916 threatened renewed sharp disputes over the lapel and when Ludwig III. (Bavaria) advocated a revision of the reverse policy in the State Council, the Minister of Transport lifted the reverse in November 1915.

The Prime Minister's answer was: “The Bavarian state government has repealed the Eisenbahnerrevers and replaced it with the provision already communicated. Whether participation in free trade unions runs counter to state or official interests depends on the behavior of the trade unions. The government expects the unions to recognize the special duties of the state transport authorities. "

Seidlein had overridden his lapel for wartime by not taking on any new jobs.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Richard Kessler, Heinrich Held as a parliamentarian, p. 153
  2. published by Karl Bosl, Bayern im Umbruch: The revolution of 1918, its prerequisites, its course and its consequences., P. 270
  3. ^ Correspondence sheet of the General Commission of the German Trade Unions, 1915, p. 554
  4. Georg Graf von Hertling, Graf Hugo Lerchenfeld-Köfering, Correspondence Hertling-Lerchenfeld 1912–1917: official private correspondence between the Bavarian Prime Minister Georg Graf von Hertling and the Bavarian envoy in Berlin Hugo Graf von und zu Lerchenfeld, H. Boldt, 1973-1048 S., p. 981