Beatrix von Steiger

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Beatrix von Steiger (born December 22, 1889 in Bern , † August 23, 1974 in Muri bei Bern ) was a Swiss cultural worker .


Von Steiger was the daughter of Alice de Bary and Hans von Mülinen . The Bernese women's rights activist Helene von Mülinen was an aunt of hers. She graduated from high school in Bern and then trained in recitation , which she practiced at home and abroad. She was an "amateur actress and member of the board of the Bernese Heimatschutztheater ". In 1914 she married Eduard von Steiger . In 1923 she founded the Bern Theater Association together with others and worked in the Bern Lyceum Club a . a. as "Delegate in the Central Committee" and from 1947 to 1966 as President of the Bern Section. In 1956 she was elected to the Swiss UNESCO Commission. She was also a "board member of the Swiss National Costume Association and the Oberhofen Castle Foundation". In 1967 she published her work Us mym Länke . Your estate is in the Bern Burger Library .


  • Berner Heimatschutz-Theater 30, 1974, No. 1, p. 3 f.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Hans Braun: Beatrix von Steiger. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. Beatrix von Steiger in the catalog of the Burgerbibliothek Bern