Public Health Authority in Sweden

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The Swedish Public Health Agency (Swedish: Folkhälsomyndigheten , FHM ) is a Swedish government agency with national responsibility for public health. It is part of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and is committed to promoting public health and preventing disease and injuries through education. It monitors public health, measures to control infectious diseases and measures in the field of public health, and supports the government in its decision-making process by providing facts and knowledge. The agency's mission is to minimize negative environmental impacts on human health and it participates in the work of the EU and international public health organizations such as WHO and IANPHI . The authority is based in Solna . It employs around 450 people. Johan Carlson is the general manager .


The agency was created in 2014 through the merger of the Swedish National Institute for Public Health ( Statens folkhälsoinstitut ) and the Institute for Communicable Disease Control (Smittskyddsinstitutet) . She took on most of the environmental health and environmental and health reporting responsibilities that were previously assigned to the National Board of Health and Social Services (Socialstyrelsen) .

In the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the authority and its chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell moved into the focus of media interest through his course in the crisis in Sweden .

Individual evidence

  1. Utrikes namnbok: Svenska myndigheter, organizers, titlar, EU-organ och countries på engelska, tyska, franska, spanska, finska och ryska. , 10th revised Edition, Stockholm 2015, Utrikesdepartementet (Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Keyword: Folkhälsomyndigheten , p. 14.
  2. Regleringsbrev ( Swedish ) ESV. Retrieved July 21, 2014.
  3. Förordning (2013: 1020) with instructions for Folkhälsomyndigheten ( Swedish ) The Swedish Government. Retrieved July 21, 2014.
  4. International ( Swedish ) Public Health Agency of Sweden. Retrieved August 1, 2014.
  5. Om Folkhälsomyndigheten ( Swedish ) Public Health Agency of Sweden. Retrieved July 21, 2014.