Not so Tegnell

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Anders Tegnell (2020)

Nils Anders Tegnell (born April 17, 1956 in Uppsala , Sweden ) is a Swedish doctor and civil servant. He has been the state epidemiologist for the Swedish Public Health Authority (Folkhälsomyndigheten) since 2013 .


Tegnell became a doctor in 1985 and specialized in infectious diseases . He later worked for the WHO in Laos , where he participated in vaccination programs. He obtained a doctorate in medicine from Linköping University in 2003 . In 2004 he received a Master of Science degree in Epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine . Tegnell was Head of Department at the Swedish Institute for Communicable Diseases from 2012 to 2013. He has been Sweden's state epidemiologist since 2013.

In 2005 he became a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of War Studies (Kungliga Krigsvetenskapsakademien) .

Swine flu controversy

Tegnell was criticized in March 2019 for his actions in the mass vaccination program against swine flu , which he helped to decide . Of the 5 million Swedes who were vaccinated around 2009, the vaccination led to narcolepsy in around 500 younger patients . Narcolepsy is a daytime sleepiness that belongs to the group of sleep addictions . Tegnell was mixed with the results and said of the Pandemrix vaccine , which has been known to cause neurological changes since 2009, "It is difficult to weigh 400 children with narcolepsy against 100 deaths." In his view, the criticism came at him “By self-appointed experts without specialist knowledge” who “think they know more than the authorities”.

COVID-19 pandemic

Tegnell played a key advisory role in Sweden's handling of COVID-19 . Sweden did not issue quarantine for returnees from risk areas and kept daycare centers , elementary schools, shops, restaurants and borders open. Tegnell relied on the voluntary measures of the population: “The most important thing we can do now is to stay at home when we feel sick. We say that every day and will continue to do so as long as the epidemic continues, because that is the basis for everything we do, "the Tagesschau quoted him as saying .

Tegnell pleaded for the school to continue operating, as it was already too late to close effectively and because activity was important for the physical and mental health of the younger generation. In his opinion, all measures for the population should be able to be sustained over a longer period of time, as he feared otherwise dwindling support from the population. Tegnell also received criticism from experts, such as Frederik Elgh, Professor of Virology at the University of Umeå , as reported by The Guardian , for his measures against the virus, which are low compared to other countries .

At the beginning of April, infected people were found in every third nursing home in Stockholm . Tegnell had previously pleaded for the voluntary isolation of older people. He called this "regrettable", refused to change course and still called the Swedish strategy successful.

Tegnell has said that the new type of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 cannot be stopped and that the curve must be kept flat in order not to overload hospitals . Tegnell also had the social consequences in mind from the start: The restrictions should not be too strict so that people are ready to accept them for months. He also hoped that in this way enough resilient people would contract Covid-19 to develop immunity to the pathogen . According to a report in the Daily Mail on April 19, 2020, he expected herd immunity to be achieved in parts of the country as early as May 2020 .

At the same time he emphasized that his approach in no way actively strives for herd immunity : “ We believe herd immunity will of course help us in the long run… but it's not like we are actively trying to achieve it as has been made out (by the press and some scientists ). If we wanted to achieve herd immunity we would have done nothing and let coronavirus run rampant through society.

In May 2020, he repeatedly indicated doubts about the Swedish way of dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. On June 3, 2020, Tegnell said it would have been better to take more action from the start. When asked, he didn't want to say what exactly they should have done differently in Sweden. Despite many deaths in Swedish old people's homes and no sustained decline in the daily number of new infections, Tegnell defended his approach at a press conference in June 2020. The skyrocketing number of detected infections at the beginning of June is a consequence of the increased number of tests.

In an interview on June 24, 2020, he regretted part of his strategy in dealing with the corona virus. The protection against infection of the elderly in Swedish senior citizens' facilities has failed and the death rate is "terrible". “We probably thought that our age- segregated society would allow us to avoid a situation like in Italy, where different generations live together more often. But that turned out to be wrong. "

On August 10, 2020, Tegnell told Bild about a general mask requirement against the background of the sharp drop in infection numbers in Sweden: “The result that one could produce with the masks is astonishingly weak, although so many people worldwide wear them. I am surprised that we don't have more or better studies on what effects the masks actually produce. Countries like Spain or Belgium have had their populations wear masks - nevertheless, the number of infections rose. In any case, it is very dangerous to believe that masks can solve our problem. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sveriges Släktforskarförbund (ed.): Sveriges befolkning 1980. CD-ROM, version 1.00, 2004.
  2. Christian Stichler: The world stands still. Except Sweden. In: The time. March 24, 2020, accessed March 25, 2020 .
  3. Mikael Delin: Statsepidemiolog Anders Tegnell: Sverige har väldigt svårt att acceptera risker . In: Dagens Nyheter . March 11, 2020.
  4. a b c Björn Anderson: Kungl Krigsvetenskapsakademien. Svenska Krigsmanna Sällskapet (till 1805), Kungl Krigsvetenskapsakademien. 20 år med akademien och dess ledamöter 1996–2016 . Stockholm 2016, p. 61 .
  5. ^ European Communities: Europass curriculum vitae of Tegnell Anders. (PDF) 2003, accessed April 1, 2020 (English).
  6. Hundratals unga fick narkolepsi av vaccin. Retrieved April 6, 2020 (Swedish).
  7. Tegnell defends vaccination did gave 500 young Swedes narcolepsy. In: Eng News 24h. March 8, 2020, Retrieved April 6, 2020 (American English).
  8. ^ Sofie Donges: Swedish serenity. Tagesschau, March 21, 2020, accessed on March 25, 2020 .
  9. Marta Paterlini: 'Closing borders is ridiculous': the epidemiologist behind Sweden's controversial coronavirus strategy . In: Nature . tape 580 , April 21, 2020, p. 574-574 , doi : 10.1038 / d41586-020-01098-x ( [accessed April 30, 2020]).
  10. Jon Henley: Swedish PM warned over 'Russian roulette-style' Covid-19 strategy. The Guardian, March 23, 2020, accessed March 26, 2020 .
  11. Kai Strittmatter: Sweden is preparing for tougher pandemic rules. Retrieved April 6, 2020 .
  12. Kai Stoppel: Was Sweden right in the end? In: Retrieved April 16, 2020 .
  13. Jack Wright: Sweden could have 'herd immunity' by next month, claims its infectious diseases chief amid as deaths stay low despite relaxed lockdown measures. In: Mail Online. April 19, 2020, accessed April 20, 2020 (English).
  14. Swedish official Anders Tegnell says 'herd immunity' in Sweden might be a few weeks away. In: USA Today. April 28, 2020, accessed June 19, 2020 .
  15. Sven Lemkemeyer: "We have landed in a terrible situation". In: May 25, 2020, accessed June 7, 2020 .
  16. Andreas Söderlund, Jenny Rydberg: Tegnell: ”Svenska strategin är bra” . In: SVT Nyheter . June 3, 2020 ( [accessed June 3, 2020]).
  17. Sven Lemkemeyer: Sweden's chief epidemiologist admits errors in the corona crisis. In: June 3, 2020, accessed June 7, 2020 .
  18. Ditmar Pieper: Sweden's deadly corona error . In: . June 20, 2020. Accessed June 20, 2020.
  19. Sveriges Radio: Anders Tegnell - Sommar Vinter & i P1. In: Retrieved June 25, 2020 (Swedish).
  20. Anette Holmqvist: Anders Tegnell självkritisk i Sommar i P1: Dödstalen borde ha kunnat undvikas. In: Retrieved June 25, 2020 (Swedish).
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