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Logo of the Beiserhaus Foundation
Entrance area to the foundation

The Beiserhaus Foundation in Knüllwald-Rengshausen is an institution of the Diakonie in Hessen.

The Beiserhaus Foundation includes various children's and youth homes as well as training centers in Hesse and Thuringia.

The Beiserhaus was founded in 1844 by the revival preacher Emil Rausch († 1884) as a rescue house for neglected and begging children. Because of his pietistic thinking, Rausch had been (forcibly) transferred from the electoral consistory in Kassel to Rengshausen .

In 1969 members of the APO also visited the Beiserhaus as part of the “ home campaign ” and a. the residents to leave the house. Around 20 of the 110 residents followed this call, including Peter-Jürgen Boock .

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  • Erich Freudenstein: Diakonie, From the past and present of the Inner Mission and the Diakonisches Werk in Kurhessen-Waldeck . Kassel 1983, pp. 74-81, ISBN 3-920310-65-9