Bendicht Ulmann

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Bendicht (Benedikt) Ulmann (* around 1530; † 1595 in Bern ) was a Swiss printer .


Ulmann had initially been a bookbinder and printer's journeyman with Samuel Apiarius at Brunngasse 70 . On February 15, 1558, he appeared as a witness in the trial against his employer. When Samuel Apiarius was banished from Bern, Ulmann opened his own printing and bookbinding shop in Bern in 1559 (or 1560), while Samuel's brother Siegfried Apiarius ran Samuel's workshop alone until his death (1565).

On February 3, 1564, Ulmann was forbidden from entering the inns and on February 25, his own printing plant was shut down ( "Master Bendicht den buchtrucker, the truckerj shut down" ). But soon he must have received approval again, because as early as the next year (1565), after Siegfried Apiarius' death, he took over the Apiarius workshop in Brunngasse. In the year 1566 his name appears on “ official ” files as an officially “appointed printer” .

In 1550 Ulmann married Elsbeth Straßer for the first time . In 1559 he married Eva Rohrer in his second marriage . His stepson was the printer Vinzenz Im Hof , with whom he also worked from 1574 to 1593.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Christoph Reske: The book printers of the 16th and 17th centuries in the German-speaking area (= contributions to books and libraries. Volume 51). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2007, ISBN 978-3-447-05450-8 , p. 108 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  2. ^ Peter Wegelin: The book printing works of Switzerland. Wartmann and Scheitlin, St. Gallen 1836, p. 92 ( digitized in the Google book search).
  3. ^ Johann Lindt: Berner bindings, bookbinders and book printers. Contributions to books from the 15th to 19th centuries (= Swiss Gutenberg Museum. Volume 53). Verlag des Schweizerischen Gutenbergmuseums, Bern 1969, pp. 107, 114 ( limited preview in the Google book search).