Benedikt Allgeyer

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Benedikt Allgeyer (* 1815 in Wasseralfingen ; † 1849 there ) was a German organ builder .


Allgeyer came from the well-known Hofener organ building dynasty Allgeyer . He was the son of the Wasseralfingen organ builder Joseph Nikolaus Allgeyer . In 1843 he married his wife Katharina Gentner (1815–1887), who was also from Wasseralfingen. This marriage produced five children. His son Karl (1846-1891) worked as a foundryman.

Allgeyer took over the organ building business from his father in 1843. He was also actively involved in maintaining music in his home town. In 1836 he founded the Sängerkranz as the first choral society in Wasseralfingen.

Due to his early death at the age of only 34, organ building in Wasseralfingen ended six years later in 1849. His family got into dire straits; his widow Katharina then ran a vinegar bar and received 1 guilder 30  kreuzer aid for the  poor.


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