Bayeux Benedictine Convent

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The Bayeux Benedictine Monastery (also: Monastère Sainte-Trinité ) has been a monastery since 1648 and a priory of the Benedictine Sisters of the Holy Sacrament in Bayeux ( Calvados Department ) in France since 1701 .


In 1648 the Abbaye-aux-Dames of Caen , which was dedicated to the Sainte-Trinité (Trinity), founded the privately donated convent of Sainte-Trinité under Abbess Laurence de Budos in Bayeux ( Faubourg de la Poterie ) , which was Benedictine based on the model of the mother monastery lived. In 1701 the convent joined the Benedictine Sisters of the Most Holy Sacrament founded by Mechtilde de Bar . In 1792 the monastery was closed by the French Revolution . The nuns, as long as they remained true to their vows in the underground, began a monastery life again in 1806 in the former Franciscan monastery, which, however, had to struggle with difficulties for a long time. It was only when the dynamic Benedictine convent of Saint-Nicolas-du-Port sent a capable superior in 1850 that the monastery flourished, attracted vocations and built new monastery buildings and a new chapel. In the Rue Saint-Loup 48 it exists today.


  • Gaston Charvin (1887–1973): L'Institut des Bénédictines de l'Adoration Perpétuelle du Saint-Sacrement . In: Priez sans cesse. 300 ans de prière. Laudetur Sacrosanctum Sacramentum . Desclée de Brouwer, Paris 1953, pp. 54-174.
  • Laurent Henri Cottineau : Repertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes et prieurés . Vol. 1. Protat, Mâcon 1939–1970. Reprint: Brepols, Turnhout 1995, column 286.
  • Souvenirs d'antan. Monastère de la Sainte Trinité Bénédictines du T. St. Sacrament de Bayeux . Bayeux 1931.

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Coordinates: 49 ° 16'22.9 "  N , 0 ° 42'28.3"  W.