Beni Gomez

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Beni Gómez or Banu Gómez ("Sons of Gómez") was a Castilian family from the province of Palencia . They made the first counts of Saldaña , Carrión and Liébana . The family was related to several noble families in the region, including the royal families of León and Castile .


The Beni Gómez were first mentioned in 932 by the historian Ibn Hayyan . Together with the Ansúrez family, they rebelled against Ramiro II of León and supported Alfonso IV of León . The last significant representative of this family was Count Pedro Ansúrez († 1117/8).

See also


  • Margarita Torres Seville: Linajes nobiliarios de León y Castilla , Salamanca: Junta de Castilla y León 1985. ISBN 84-7846-781-5