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The Bergelle was a measure of length in the Kingdom of Saxony . It was a dialect name for the cubit . The measure was used in mining , especially in salt mine construction. In the past, the measure was also used in salt mines in southern Germany.

  • Dresden (in 1830) 1 Bergelle = 2 laughing feet = 2 mountain feet = 2/7 mountain fathers = 253.312 Parisian lines = 4/7 meters = 0.571 meters (table value 0.57142857)
  • Hallstein 5 Bergellen = 1 mountain fathom


  • Eduard Döring: Handbook of coin, exchange, measure and weight. Verlag J. Hölscher, Koblenz 1854, p. 172
  • Gustav Wagner, Friedrich Anton Strackerjan: Compendium of the coin, measure, weight and exchange rate relationships of all states and trading cities on earth. Verlag BG Teubner, Leipzig 1855, p. 161

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrich Veith: German mountain dictionary with evidence. Wilhelm Gottlieb Korn, Breslau 1871, p. 74