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The Bergistani (also Bargusii ) were an ancient tribe in the Hispania Tarraconensis (in today's Spanish region of Catalonia ) , probably related to the Ilergetes . At the beginning of the Second Punic War , Hannibal , who was on the march to Italy, passed through in 218 BC. BC the area of ​​the people called Bargusii by Polybius and Titus Livius on this occasion and subjugated it. During the early epoch of the Roman conquest of Hispania , the tribe now called Bergistani by Livy , who tried to oppose, became in 195 BC. Defeated by the consul Cato the Elder .

Livy mentions that the Bergistani owned several fortresses. Their main fortress, Castrum Bergium , could correspond to today's city of Berga .



  1. Polybios 3, 35, 2ff .; Livy 21, 19, 7 and 21, 23, 2.
  2. Livius 34, 16ff.
  3. Mentioned in Livius 34, 21, 1.
  4. ^ Emil Huebner: Bergistani . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume III, 1, Stuttgart 1897, Col. 292.