Berthold Barwinski

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Berthold Barwinski (* 1903 in Deutsch Crone ) was a German administrative lawyer.


Barwinski submitted his doctoral thesis in 1929 at the law and political science faculty of the University of Marburg . He later worked as a lawyer in Berlin . After the founding of the State of Hesse , he was first a ministerial advisor , later a ministerial director in the State Chancellery . There he led a norm review suit against party funding for the Prime Minister.

Together with Georg August Zinn , he published a commentary on the constitution of the state of Hesse .



  • The assignment of a debt collection claim , dissertation University of Marburg 1929
  • with August Zinn: Constitution of the State of Hesse: Commentary , Volume 2, Gehlen, 1985

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Deutsches Bühnen-Jahrbuch: Theatergeschichtliches Jahr- und Adressebuch, Volume 55, Druck und Kommissionsverlag FA Günther & Sohn, 1944, p. 85 and p. 468
  2. Tax Laws. The plutocratic element, in: Der Spiegel, 30/1957, p. 12