Ministerial Director

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Ministerialdirigent (MDg, MinDirig, Mdgt) is an official title in Germany for officials in federal ministries and other highest authorities as well as in the federal states .

Within the ministerial hierarchy of the federal government , the ministerial director is the third highest legal status office and the highest that is not connected with the quality of a political official . The office holders manage larger organizational units (departments or subdivisions) and are superiors of ministerial councils . Your superiors are usually ministerial directors .

Ministerial conductors in the federal service are usually grouped in grade B 6 . Only ministerial conductors in the Federal Ministry of Defense as permanent representatives of the head of a large or important department or as head of the organization and auditing staff are in grade B 7.

Outside the ministerial administration, federal officials use the official designation Ministerialdirigent z. B. in the administration of the German Bundestag , in the secretariat of the German Bundesrat

Individual evidence

  1. Annex I to the Federal Salary Act defines the classifications.
  2. Jörg Bogumil, Werner Jann: Administration and Administration Science in Germany: Introduction to Administration Science. Springer-Verlag, 2015, ISBN 3-322-95687-3 , p. 88.