Professional association for the rescue service

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The professional association for the rescue service e. V. (BVRD) is a lobby group established in 1983 for full-time and part-time paramedics and paramedics in Germany . The professional association is based in Lich , Hesse and is organized as a registered association .


The BVRD represents the interests of full-time and part-time rescue workers vis-à-vis the executive (e.g. Federal Ministry of Health ), the legislature (e.g. German Bundestag ) and other associations and institutions (e.g. German Medical Association ). The BVRD is invited to hearings and asked to comment, for example in 2007 before the Health Committee of the Bundestag on the amendment of the Paramedic Act , in 2008 on the same topic in a plenary session of the Bundestag, and again in 2009 before the Health Committee on a professional ordinance for health professions . The BVRD has criticized the Paramedic Act since 1995 and has been involved in the preparatory work for the amendment of this law since 2004.

The BVRD is also dedicated to creating further training opportunities for paramedics. The members' magazine Rettungsdienst-Journal ( ISSN  0178-2193 ), which has been published four times a year since 1983, contains 32 pages of specialist articles and information.

The BVRD is one of two nationally active professional associations and professional associations for paramedics in Germany .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the register of associations : Register number VR 2428, District Court of Gießen.
  2. Resolution recommendation and report of the Committee on Health (PDF; 66 kB), German Bundestag, printed matter 16/6798, 16th electoral period of October 24, 2007.
  3. Minutes of the plenary session of the German Bundestag (PDF; 968 kB), 16th electoral period, 195th session on December 17, 2008, p. 21120.
  4. German Bundestag, 16th electoral period, printed matter 16/13652 (PDF; 180 kB), report on the hearing of May 25, 2009, p. 7.