Reflection and departure

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Reflection and Awakening was an anarcho-syndicalist , anarchist magazine published by the Guild of Freedom Book Friends , an initiative of the Free Workers' Union of Germany (FAUD). Published from May 1929 to February 1933.


The magazine, published in A5 format and between 12 and 16 pages, was presented in terms of content in issue 1, 1929, with the words, ... to offer the masses the bread they need so bitterly . The topics were diverse, so there were articles on architecture, theatrical art, poetry, nudism and school education (Hartmut Rübner, Freiheit und Brot ). The free members' magazine appeared monthly with a circulation of between 2000 and 5000 copies and was published by the responsible editors Willi Jadau (1929-1931), Helmut Rüdiger (1931-1932) and Werner Henneberger (1932-1933). After the Reichstag fire , Henneberger was arrested by the Gestapo in March 1933 .

Individual issues contained main topics. The booklet published in June 1932 dealt with the Orient, in May 1930 three stories were published; two essays on power and one on praise of laziness and a contribution on Gustav Landauer . There were also issues about Emma Goldman and Theodor Plievier ; to the group meeting of the guilds in Leipzig and the first imperial meeting in Berlin. In February 1933 Erich Mühsam published a report on the congress Das Freie Wort and Karl Dingler a portrait of Rudolf Rocker . Expressionist art: woodcuts, drawings, graphics, photos and ink drawings were often shown in the publication. The authors of Reflection and Awakening were Robert Radetzky, R. Rocker, Helmut Klose, Artur Streiter , Th. Plievier, Fritz Kater , Gerhard Wartenberg , Bruno Vogel and Gregor Gog and Gerhard Siegismund from the Brotherhood of Vagabonds .



  • Wolfgang Haug: The Guild of Freedom Book Friends . In: Schwarzer Faden No. 52, 1952, pp. 52-57.
  • Helge Döhring: The press of the syndicalist labor movement in Germany 1918 to 1933 . Pages 76 to 79, Edition Syfo 1, Moers 2010, ISBN 978-3-9810846-8-9 .
  • Hartmut Rübner: Freedom and Bread. The Free Workers' Union of Germany. A Study of the History of Anarcho-Syndicalism . Libertad Verlag , Berlin 1994, ISBN 3-922-22621-3 , ( Archive for Social and Cultural History 5), p. 39 and note p. 23, p. 158 Reprint of the title page, 1930, issue 4, p. 213, 219, 266, 292.

Web links

Individual proof

  1. See the magazine Graswurzelrevolution No. 295. Retrieved on July 5, 2009