Operating mode (silviculture)

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As modes are in the forestry - usually on stock level different - wood structural engineering refers to concepts and forestry systems. They differ in the type of stand establishment , the way in which the wood is harvested , the spatial and temporal sequence of the harvest and the resulting differences in forest structure and wood harvest products.

There are 3 main operating modes:

Some key differentiators:

Operating mode High forest Mittelwald Niederwald
Type of taper Natural regeneration , sowing, planting Natural regeneration, planting, stick rash Stick rash, root spawn
Choice of tree species suitable for all tree species limited, as it is restricted to species with a stick capacity and root spawn limited, as it is restricted to species with a stick capacity and root spawn
Taper shape Femelschlag , Saumschlag , Umbrella , clear-cut , combined forms Umbrella strike Clear cutting
Production target Valuable wood Valuable timber ( construction timber ) and firewood firewood


Individual evidence

  1. Table according to Dengler et al. (2006), expanded