Probation officer

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A probation officer is a convicted criminals provided supervision and assistance of its own motion to the side when the execution of the Jugendstrafe or imprisonment or a penalty residue to probation is exposed or the person of the measure management supervision (see FIG. §§ 68, 68a CC) is associated. Those convicted under youth criminal law are generally placed under a probation officer (Section 29 JGG). For adults, the decision to appoint a probation officer rests with the court. For convicts under the age of 27 who are sentenced to imprisonment of more than 9 months, the appointment of a probation officer is the rule (Section 56d (2) of the Criminal Code).

According to the Criminal Code (Section 56d of the Criminal Code), the probation officer is “helping and looking after the convicted person” within the framework of voluntary probation assistance. In agreement with the court, he monitors the fulfillment of the conditions and instructions set out in the judgment , for example participation in addiction therapy or the fulfillment of charitable work. The probation officer shall notify the court of gross or persistent violations of such conditions.

In addition to this control function, the services offered by the probation officers include individual life counseling - for example with family problems - as well as support in finding accommodation and work, in overcoming addiction and debt, and in dealing with authorities. There are full-time and voluntary probation officers. A degree in social work and state recognition are prerequisites for working as a probation officer.

In most federal states, probation officers also perform the duties of supervision and judicial assistance at the same time.

In terms of organization, probation assistance in Germany is assigned to the judiciary of the federal states. In Baden-Württemberg, probation assistance was delegated to a non-profit GmbH until the end of 2016.


  • Carl Friedrichs: Position, task and working method of the probation officer, in Hermann Röhrs , Ed .: Social pedagogy and their theory. Selection of representative texts, pedagogy. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt 1968, pp. 310–338 (Lecture at a conference of full-time employees in Fischbachau 1961)
  • Eva-Maria Kober: probation assistance and causes of revocation. Results of a cluster-analytical investigation with suspension of punishment, remainder of punishment or measure (=  Friedrich Schaffstein , Heinz Schöch , Horst Schüler-Springorum [Hrsg.]: Neue Kriminologische Studien . Volume 3 ). Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Munich 1986, ISBN 3-7705-2426-8 .


  • Probation service. Social, criminal law, criminal policy. ISSN  0405-6779 Ed. DBH Association for Social Work, Criminal Law and Criminal Policy , Cologne ; Archive of the journal: from 1954 to 2014, with an indication of the year

Individual evidence

  1. Probation and judicial assistance to be transferred back to state sponsorship Website of the State Ministry of Justice Baden-Württemberg. Retrieved August 8, 2016