Bezpartyjny Blok Współpracy z Rządem

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The Bezpartyjny Blok Współpracy z Rządem ( BBWR , German party-free block of government supporters ) was a political organization in Poland , which was founded in December 1927 by Walery Sławek . It included small political groups, u. a. national minorities as well as some former MPs of the PPS and the PSL "Piast" .

The BBWR did not define itself as a political party, the founding idea itself came “from above” - from government circles - and the associated groups or people were mainly united by their friendly attitude towards Józef Piłsudski . The organization had no program, which was justified by the fact that it was not a party in the traditional, needy style. The BBWR was closely connected to the administration, so that mainly civil servants, but less the particularly courted youth, were among its supporters. In the elections to the Sejm in 1928, after massive electoral support and manipulation, the party received 122 of a total of 444 seats. In 1929, the Minister of Finance of Poland, Gabriel Czechowicz, was charged before the State Tribunal ( Trybunał Stanu ) for financing the BBWR's election campaign with state funds . However, there was no conviction.


  1. a b Manfred Alexander, Kleine Geschichte Polens , Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-15-017060-1 , pp. 294–295
  2. a b Włodzimierz Borodziej, History of Poland in the 20th Century , Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-406-60648-9 , pp. 171–173.