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Bhrigu ( Sanskrit भृगु bhṛgu m. ) Is one of the seven wise men (saptarshi) in Hinduism .


Bhrigu is the progenitor of the Bhrigus or Bhargavas, to which the sage Jamadagni and the Avatar Parashurama belong. He was born from a spark of Prajapati's semen and was raised by Varuna . His son is Chyavana . He saved the sage Atri from Nahusha, whom he turned into a snake by a curse.

The Padma Purana reports how Bhrigu visited the three gods of the Trimurti one after the other. When he met Shiva , he was deep in love with Parvati and took no notice of the visitor. Bhrigu cursed him that he should in future be worshiped in the form of a linga (cultic phallos). Then he went on to Brahma . He was surrounded by rishis and engrossed in intellectual conversations without taking any notice of his visitor. Bhrigu cursed him for not being worshiped. Then he came to Vishnu , whom he found sleeping. Bhrigu stepped on his chest with his left foot, whereupon Vishnu woke up. He was pleased and gently pressed Bhrigu's foot. He then declared that Vishnu was the only being who deserved to be worshiped by men and gods.

On the other hand, he cursed Vishnu that he should be born human and be separated from his wife there after Vishnu Bhrigu's wife Puloma , who had taken Asuras under her protection, beheaded . Vishnu was therefore born as Rama .

According to the local legend, the Indian town of Bharuch was founded by Bhrigu.


Individual evidence

  1. bhṛgu . In: Monier Monier-Williams : Sanskrit-English Dictionary . Clarendon Press, Oxford 1899, p. 765, col. 1 .