Biberach model

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In Baden-Württemberg, the Biberach model is the term used to describe the school experiment in which, since 1997, the fifth grade in old-language grammar schools has started simultaneously with two foreign languages : Latin and English . However, the grades in English are only relevant for promotion from the seventh grade onwards.

The Wieland grammar school in Biberach an der Riss , Baden-Württemberg, was a pioneer in 1997 - there are now over 28 schools in Baden-Württemberg that have introduced this “Latin plus English in a double pack” model. The Biberach model is, however, endangered by the conversion to an eight-year high school (shortened course  - G8), in which the second foreign language begins in the sixth grade.

Since 2003 it has often been replaced by the “ European Gymnasium ”, in which a total of four foreign languages ​​can be learned.

In other federal states, a similar model is known as "Latin plus".

See also

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