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In an education system , a course of education is the school , university or vocational training for the respective qualification ( school leaving certificate , university qualification , vocational qualification ).

Examples: " Gymnasium course ", " Hauptschule course ", " Master's course course ", " Information technology assistant course ".

Usually, only the highest qualification of the entire course of education is named, a development through several levels of the education system is required (such as completion of the primary level / elementary school for further schools, or a school qualification for university entrance qualification; apprenticeship qualification or other professional qualification for a master craftsman's examination ). However, variants or special accesses are often mentioned (such as “secondary school leaving certificate ”, “ industrial mechanic training course at a vocational college ”).

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. OECD: Education at a Glance 2003 OECD Indicators: OECD Indicators . OECD Publishing, 2003, ISBN 978-92-64-01895-2 ( [accessed February 22, 2018]).