Master's examination
In Germany, the advanced training to become a master is completed with the master’s examination ; it can be funded on the basis of the Aufstiegsfortbildungsförderungsgesetz ("Aufstiegs- BAföG "). A common component of the master craftsman's examination in different areas is the trainer aptitude test , with which the qualification for vocational training of trainees is proven. Successful completion of the master craftsman's examination is usually associated with the university entrance qualification , depending on the regulations in the individual federal states .
Master craftsman
The master craftsman's examination (see also large certificate of proficiency ) is evidence of the skills of the necessary theoretical and technical knowledge and the ability to run a craft business independently and to properly train apprentices by a state examination authority set up at the headquarters of the competent chamber of crafts (master craftsman examination committee) , as well as for the existence of business , commercial , legal and educational knowledge. The passed master craftsman's examination is documented with the master craftsman's certificate according to § 51 Crafts Code (HwO).
Training and exams
The advanced training to become a master craftsman and the exam is divided into four parts:
- practical examination,
- theoretical examination,
- economic and legal review,
- Work pedagogical examination according to trainer suitability regulation (also called "AdA certificate").
Parts 3 and 4 are the same for all trades. The duration and content of the training in parts 1 and 2 depend on the profession in which the master craftsman examination is to be taken. As a rule, the prerequisite for admission to the master craftsman examination is a successfully passed journeyman's examination in the craft in which the master’s examination is to be taken. The previous requirement of at least three years of professional experience no longer applies after the amendment to the Crafts and Trades Code. So you can now aim for advancement training directly after the journeyman's examination.
The exam is passed if none of the parts of the exam have a lower grade than sufficient (4). However, there are lock boxes within each part of the exam . If the grade in one of the restricted subjects is lower than sufficient , the examination is considered to have been failed, even if the average grade is better than sufficient .
In many skilled trades, a master's examination work and a masterpiece must be prepared in the practical test in addition to a work sample.
Importance of the exam
As a rule, passing the master craftsman's examination is also the prerequisite for admission to the advanced training examination to become a certified business economist according to the craft regulations . Here, business knowledge, optimized for companies with several employees, is to be expanded.
The master craftsman's certificate is recognized within the European Union (EU). This is regulated in the EU directive on the recognition of professional qualifications , in which the master craftsman's certificate is assigned to level 2 (school leaving certificate from a higher technical school) . The abbreviation me. stands for the master's degree, which has been awarded by a professional body of the craft; it can appear in front of the name like a university degree.
For the importance of the master craftsman's examination as access authorization to a university course, s. below.
Admission to the master craftsman's examination for the profession of housekeeper is anyone who can prove a final examination as housekeeper and then at least two years of professional experience or at least five years of professional experience. The exam covers the parts
- Housekeeping and care services,
- Operational and corporate management,
- Vocational training and leadership.
The ordinance on the requirements for the master craftsman's examination is issued on the basis of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG).
Industrial master
For the industrial sector, there is also the option of taking an industrial foreman exam. In contrast to the master craftsman's examination, this advanced training examination does not aim to run a company independently, but rather is intended to enable people to take on management tasks in an industrial company. Nevertheless, an industrial foreman can be entered in the trade register and is therefore also entitled to run his own business.
The legal basis of the industrial foreman examination can be an ordinance of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research or an examination regulation issued by a chamber of industry and commerce as the responsible body ( § 71 BBiG) . Industrial foreman examinations are held by examination boards appointed by the competent authority.
Agricultural master
Before a Chamber of Agriculture , the test can for agriculturalist be stored.
The examination is granted to those who can prove the final examination in the recognized training occupation of farmer and then at least two years of professional experience or a final examination in a recognized agricultural training occupation and then at least three years of professional experience or who can prove at least five years of professional experience.
The master’s examination includes the parts
- Production and process engineering,
- Operational and corporate management,
- Vocational training and leadership.
Kitchen master
Küchenmeister is a gastronomic advancement training for cooks, which enables them to manage a gastronomically equipped kitchen. The examination responsibility lies in Germany with the chambers of industry and commerce and in Austria with the economic development institute in cooperation with the Austrian Cooking Association . For details see the article kitchen master .
University studies with the master craftsman's certificate
2009 who Ministers of Education of the Federal States the university entrance for vocationally qualified applicants without formal college admission governed by general standards for the acquisition of general and subject-specific higher education entrance qualifications from vocational education. Since this decision there have been adjustments to the respective laws of the responsible federal states .
In the meantime, masters of an apprenticeship trade according to § 45 , § 51a , § 122 HwO can take up any degree in almost all federal states, as long as access is not restricted for other reasons (e.g. a numerus clausus ). The general university entrance qualification is also given to graduates of comparable advanced training measures. In this respect, the master's examination is equated with the Abitur .
Web links
- Information and information on all building and finishing trades as well as the butcher's trade
- Information and the opportunity to take the master craftsman's examination in the bakery trade
- Overview of funding opportunities at the horticultural college (PDF file; 72 kB)
- Master's examination in gold and silversmith's trade
- Master BAföG
- Federal Association of Housekeeping Professions MdH eV
- Information on studying without a high school diploma in the University Compass of the University Rectors' Conference
- University access for master craftsmen and other highly qualified advanced training degrees (regulations of the Hessian Higher Education Act)
Individual evidence
- ↑ Deutsche Handwerks-Zeitung of March 4, 2002 (accessed July 19, 2010)
- ↑ Ordinance on the requirements for the master craftsman's examination for the profession of housekeeper
- ↑ Ordinance on the requirements in the master craftsman's examination for the profession of farmer
- ↑ Standing Conference : Text (PDF) .
- ↑ The adoption of the relevant laws in the respective federal state, provided that the above-mentioned master craftsmen also include specialists (IHK) and other relevant advanced training qualifications, for the examination regulations according to § 53 , § 54 BBiG or § 42 , § 42a HwO, provided that the courses exist at least 400 Lessons include, state-certified technicians, business economists, educators, etc. a. with graduation from a technical school in accordance with the framework agreement on technical schools of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs in the currently valid version, comparable qualified persons within the meaning of the Seemannsgesetz, teachers for nursing, care service managers, etc., persons with comparable qualifications under state law training regulations for professions in the health care sector and in the field of social care and socio-educational professions (according to the framework agreement on technical schools ).