University entrance qualification
The university entrance qualification is the maturity and thus the qualification for studying at a university . The university entrance or study authorization is through a corresponding certificate on
- the general higher education entrance qualification ( Abitur ),
- the subject-related higher education entrance qualification (subject-related Abitur / colloquial: technical diploma) or
- the technical college entrance qualification (colloquial: technical diploma)
from which a right to study admission ( matriculation ) arises.
The three listed (collective) terms are applied to all educational qualifications that entitle the holder to study at a university.
Opposite the receiving institution is considered as proof of the ability to study the study candidate usually one of these aforementioned certificate documents that after the successful completion of the secondary level are displayed; however, this evidence can also be provided in another suitable form (see below).
Access to university studies
Proof of qualification for university studies is generally provided by successfully completing a preparatory school education . In this sense, the general admission requirement is a high school diploma with the appropriate duration and quality. Associated with a university degree is the general university entrance qualification , the full entitlement to study for all courses of study.
In November 2008, the German Rectors ' Conference decided to reorganize university access for professionally qualified people . In March 2009, agreed ministers of education that graduates of professional advancement training - for example, master craftsman , foreman , business administrators , State-certified technician and owner assimilated statements - is Germany far allows access to a first professional university degree course. According to this regulation, employees with at least two years of professional training plus three years of professional experience have access to a bachelor's degree if they have previously passed a qualification test or successfully completed a one-year trial study.
In principle, in addition to the certificate itself, its quality also applies, because there are admission restrictions in some subjects .
Certificates of higher education entrance qualification
Various university entrance qualifications can be acquired in the school systems of the federal states:
- the general higher education entrance qualification , the Abitur , as general university entrance qualification for all courses at universities , technical colleges , music and art colleges , universities of education , universities of applied sciences , etc.
- the subject-related higher education entrance qualification or the subject-related Abitur as a restricted higher education entrance qualification for certain subjects at universities, but all courses at universities of applied sciences
- the advanced technical college entrance qualification (general or subject-related, colloquially technical high school diploma ) as access authorization for courses at universities of applied sciences, comprehensive universities and (country-specific) certain ( bachelor 's) courses at universities
- the vocational university entrance for professionally relevant degree programs
Fachabitur was a term for both the subject-specific and the technical college entrance qualification . Originally, only the subject-related higher education entrance qualification was colloquially referred to as “Fachabitur” or in the spelling Fach-Abitur (subject-related Abitur). The change in meaning began - especially in the northern states of the Federal Republic of Germany - in the early 1970s with the establishment of the new type of university, the technical college. The admission requirement was the advanced technical college entrance qualification, which could either be acquired through a newly established school type ( technical college or a comparable secondary school). Since the Abitur was known as a synonym for the general higher education entrance qualification or subject-related higher education entrance qualification , whereas the technical college entrance qualification was still rather unknown, the technical college entrance qualification was often referred to colloquially as the "technical college entrance qualification".
University entrance qualification criteria - ability to study
The skills that entitle you to attend the university have been continuously adapted over the course of the 20th century. The focus is on:
- Skills and skills required for a degree ( key qualification ) and
- the knowledge of the knowledge ( educational canon ).
In the last 60 years there has been a shift from the side of knowledge (educational canon) to the side of key skills.
In 1958 the West German Rectors' Conference (WRK) and the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) decided on the Tutzing Matura catalog, which laid down the minimum requirements:
- Impeccable German : Formulation of your own trains of thought and correct reproduction of someone else's (verbally and in writing with a vocabulary that also enables finer distinctions).
- Understanding of some masterpieces of German literature : Also of the classical literary epoch, understanding of some masterpieces of (ancient) world literature.
- Good introduction to a foreign language : fluent reading of easy to moderately difficult prose without aids. Ability to speak about what has been read in German. Ability to have a flawless conversation in the foreign language. In addition, first introduction to a second foreign language. One of the languages should be Latin or French.
- Math : quadratic equations, trigonometry, algebra, analytic geometry; Ability to provide mathematical proofs; Application to geometry and science.
- Physics : Understanding the concept of energy, the historical beginnings of physical thinking, the scientific method and its limits. Approach to understanding chemical phenomena and their relation to the energy problem.
- Biology : viewing the descriptive nature and access to the biological approach.
- History : Knowledge and understanding of the historical situation of the present, since the French Revolution.
- Propaedeutics : Understanding the philosophical introductory questions, especially the anthropological ones, based on Plato or Descartes or Kant.
- Religion and ethics : Orientation on Christian doctrine, the main events in church history and introduction to basic ethical questions.
The Tutzinger Matura catalog thus forms the basis for all the following catalogs of requirements. In 1960, the Saarbrücken framework agreement followed, which provided for a reduction in the compulsory subjects with the aim of deepening the teaching and promoting the intellectual independence of the student. The trend towards a stronger weighting of key qualifications can already be seen here. In 1964, the Hamburg Agreement (a state treaty ) of the Conference of Ministers of Education followed, which standardized the general education system in the Federal Republic. In 1969, the West German Rectors' Conference adopted criteria for higher education entrance qualifications, which required a broad general education . A distinction was made between categorical skills and formal skills. In 1972, the KMK agreement for the redesign of the upper secondary school followed. In 1975, with the "Agreement on the Application of Uniform Examination Requirements in the Abitur examination", uniform standards for the Abitur examinations were set.
Other countries
- Matura : corresponds to the German university entrance qualification in Austria , Liechtenstein , Switzerland (there also Matura , maturity examination , in the other languages with the same root word) and South Tyrol (there also maturity examination , state final examination ). There are equivalents in other languages in Bulgaria , Hungary , the Czech Republic , Slovakia , Slovenia , Croatia , Serbia , North Macedonia , Bosnia-Herzegovina and Poland .
- France : the Baccalauréat général roughly corresponds to the German university entrance qualification (also in Algeria , Morocco and Tunisia ). However, this only gives those affected access to the university entrance exams at a university or grande école . The Baccalauréat général is formally understood as the first academic degree .
- Spanish-speaking countries: the bachillerato corresponds to the German university entrance qualification. However, this only gives those affected access to the university entrance exams ( Pruebas de Acceso a la Universidad , popularly known as selectividad ).
- USA : the High School Diploma is the completion of secondary education schools in the USA. You get it after twelve years of school, with the last four years in high school being decisive. However, it does not automatically qualify for university studies. Placement tests such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT) are usually carried out .
- United Kingdom : The school system in the United Kingdom has the so-called A-Level at Comprehensive Schools , Grammar Schools or Public Schools , which entitles you to study. There are separate school systems in Scotland , Wales , Northern Ireland and England , which differ in the details of their qualifications.
- Netherlands : the education system in the Netherlands knows the “pre-academic” or “pre-university course” ( voorbereidend wetenschappelijk onderwijs , vwo). It lasts six years and aims to prepare students for university entrance.
- Italy : Diploma di Maturità, general higher education entrance qualification ( including all so-called second-degree secondary schools )
See also
- Student counseling and career counseling - on the qualifications required to start studying at universities
Web links
- Studying without a high school diploma
- University entrance qualification criteria
- History of high school
Individual evidence
- ^ Tutzinger Matura catalog ( Memento from December 13, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ Criteria for higher education entrance qualification (WRK 1969) ( Memento from December 13, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ Since 1999 the official name is Esame di Stato .