University entrance qualification

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The Fachhochschulreife (FHR) is an educational qualification of the upper secondary level , which entitles you to study at a technical college and to take up a bachelor's degree at some universities . The certificate of the technical college entrance qualification conveys the general technical college entrance qualification , while the certificate of the subject-related technical college entrance qualification limits the eligibility to a certain subject or a certain subject area at a technical college.

The technical college entrance qualification is colloquially referred to as the technical diploma , as is the subject-related higher education entrance qualification. This (second highest) school leaving certificate is the third form of a higher education entrance qualification after the Abitur or the Matura ( general and subject-specific higher education entrance qualification). The official designation in Switzerland is professional maturity .


The training course that provides the technical college entrance qualification consists of a school-related part and a job-related part: As a rule, students acquire the school-based part of the technical college entrance qualification after completing the 12th grade (in the G9 model after the 13th grade) or the 11th grade Class ( Abitur after the twelfth grade ) of the gymnasiale Oberstufe or after completing subjects at the upper level at technical schools combined with vocational training. The job-related part of the advanced technical college entrance qualification consists of an internship , for example in the 11th grade of a technical college or a completed vocational training.

In Hamburg , this qualification can be acquired during at least 3 years of dual vocational training as part of the “Dual plus Fachhochschulreife”. In Bavaria , as part of the “Dual Vocational Training and Technical College Entrance Qualification” (DBFH) program, it is possible to complete the technical college entrance qualification at a participating training company in parallel with vocational training.

Literature and legal norms



North Rhine-Westphalia:

Individual evidence

  1. Fachhochschulreife, subject-related higher education entrance qualification and Fachabi
  2. »Dual plus advanced technical college entrance qualification . Accessed January 2, 2019 (German).
  3. Dual vocational training and advanced technical college entrance qualification (DBFH). In: Vocational high schools in Bavaria. Retrieved July 11, 2019 .