Library and Information Center of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

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LSMU biblioteka ir informacijos centras

The Library and Information Center of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (lit. Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto biblioteka ir informacijos centras ) is a medical library in the Lithuanian second largest city of Kaunas . It is a university library and belongs to the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences .


In 1923 the Library Fund of the Medical Faculty of the Lithuanian University ( Lietuvos universitetas ) was established. After the reorganization of the Kauno universitetas in 1950, the library of the Kauno medicinos institutas was founded. She had the reading room with 60 seats. In 1956 another reading room was built for academic staff. Professors such as Petras Avižonis , Petras Raudonikis , Pranas Mažylis , Benediktas Šaulys, the lecturers Juozas Nemeikša, Andrius Matulevičius , Andrius Domaševičius and relatives of professors Vladas Lašas and Pranas Mažylis donated their books . In 1964 the library had three sections. In 1993 the computer network was established. From 2004 to 2006 the new library building was built. Six reading rooms were built here.

The library has around 10,000 registered users and around 40 staff.


  • 1951–1959: Ona Jakubėnaitė
  • 1960–1961: Kostas Vaitkevičius
  • 1962–1975: Olga Peikštenienė
  • 1975–1992: Benjaminas Kaluškevičius
  • Since 1993: Meilė Kretavičienė

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