Bil (mythology)

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Bil (old north, about "moment") was the daughter of Widfinnr (Viðfinnr) and sister of Hiuki in Norse mythology . At Snorri in Gylf 35, she is counted among the Asinnen. Initially (cf. Gylf 11), however, Bil is more of a fairy tale figure, depicted in the moon, where, as the legend reports, you can still see her from the earth with her bucket rod and bucket. ( Moonspots )

Bil and Hiuki

Bil represents the female variant of the story of the man in the moon , it is etymologically related to the being called Bilwis , which may be derived from it. In the Kenningar of poetry, Bil often appears as an unspecified mythological female figure. In pagan times, however, Bil was certainly not considered a goddess in the true sense of the word.

Moon god Mani "took two children from the earth, called Bil and Hiuki, because they came from the well Byrgir, and carried the bucket on their shoulders; his name is Sägr and the bucket-stick Simul. Widfinnr is the name of their father; these children walk behind the moon as one can still see from the earth. " (Gylf 11)
