Educational television

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Educational television refers to the broadcasting of television programs with the aim of education . In addition to school television , which can be used alongside school lessons, this also includes adult training and the acquisition of school qualifications for adults, as is possible, for example, in the telecolleg , or accompanying use in university studies such as the programs of the Open University in the program the British BBC .

The popular science magazines, advice and consumer programs as well as reports broadcast on television are to be distinguished from educational television , which usually do not offer a systematic and didactically prepared introduction to the topic under discussion.

SRF mySchool has been offered in Switzerland since 1964 .

A German educational channel is ARD-alpha , which has been operated by Bayerischer Rundfunk since January 7, 1998 and broadcasts language courses, advanced training programs from the Telekolleg as well as university and science programs 24 hours a day.

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