Television broadcast

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A television program is a group of thematically or editorially related video contributions that are broadcast on television .

In 1929 the BBC aired the first television program. The oldest program still on the program is Meet the Press , which started on the radio in 1945 and was broadcast on television by NBC two years later, in 1947 .

TV broadcasts can be broadcast live , i.e. almost simultaneously with the recording of the pictures, or with a time delay as recorded broadcasts.

Live broadcasts are mostly the daily news broadcasts , shows, or sporting events. Most other broadcasts are recorded.


TV programs can be divided into the following genres , which in many cases have been adopted by radio :


  • Gerhard Schult / Axel Buchholz (ed.): TV journalism. A Manual for Education and Practice. With video journalism. Journalistische Praxis series, 8th edition Berlin (Econ) 2011. Website for the book with further information on the profession.