Billet (unit)

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Billet was an English piece and counting measure, especially for firewood . Billet stood for wooden blocks with fixed dimensions. In the three different varieties, the lengths of the block were equal to 3 feet , differed in circumference. Grade one was 7 inches , the second grade 10 inches, and the third grade 14 inches.


  • Christian Noback , Friedrich Noback : Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight ratios, government papers, bills of exchange and banking and the customs of all countries and trading venues. Volume 1, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1850, p. 547.
  • Fr. Silber: The coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world individually calculated according to their values ​​and proportions to all German coins, measures and weights. In addition to information on the trading venues and their billing relationships. Moritz Ruhl, Leipzig 1861, p. 33.