Warbeck Bishop's Castle

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Warbeck Bishop's Castle
Emajõe-Suursoo Nature Experience Center on the castle grounds

Emajõe-Suursoo Nature Experience Center on the castle grounds

Creation time : 1392
Castle type : Niederungsburg
Conservation status: ruin
Place: Uue-Kastre
Geographical location 58 ° 22 '57 "  N , 27 ° 6' 18"  E Coordinates: 58 ° 22 '57 "  N , 27 ° 6' 18"  E
Warbeck Bishop's Castle (Estonia)
Warbeck Bishop's Castle

The Bishop 's Castle Warbeck ( Estonian Uue-Kastre piiskopilinnus ) was a castle built in the 14th century of the diocese of Dorpat , today's Tartu in Estonia . The castle was on the lower reaches of the Embach (Emajõgi).


Drawing from 1784. Johann Christoph Brotze

The castle was a customs post of the Embach and thus the passage between Dorpat and Lake Peipus . The castle was probably built around 1392, the year in which the contract between the Hanseatic League and the Novgorodians said: "de balke de over Embeke licht vor Werbeke". After that there was a bar by the castle to prevent ships from passing through the customs point unnoticed. The name is probably derived from this function (Weerbeke = Bachwehr).

The floor plan of the castle was changed by renovation projects in the 15th-16th centuries. Century changed a lot. Thereafter, a large tower designed for firearms dominated here, which in the late Middle Ages took over the protection of the river to the east. In 1558 the castle was destroyed by Russian troops. In 1704 there was a battle on the river between the Swedish and Russian fleets near the castle.

The castle was destroyed in the wars of the 17th century. Today the Emajõe Suursoo Nature Experience Center is located on the castle grounds.


Warbeck Castle (Kastre)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Armin Tuulse: The castles in Estonia and Latvia (=  negotiations of the Estonian learned society . Volume 33 ). Õpetatud Eesti Seltsi Toimetused, S. 209 .
  2. ^ Karl Woldemar von Löwis of Menar: Burgenlexikon für Alt-Livland . Walters and Rapa, Riga 1922, p. 45 ( digitized version ).
  3. Uue Kastre - bishop's castle Warbeck. Retrieved June 8, 2019 .