Bismarck Tower (Schnarsleben)

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Bismarck Tower Schnarsleben 2015

The Bismarck tower Schnarsleben is in honor of former German Chancellor Prince Otto von Bismarck erected Bismarckturm in today to the municipality Hohe Börde belonging Schnarsleben .

The suggestion for building the tower came from the union of workers loyal to the rich for Magdeburg and the surrounding area . The original intention was to build such a tower in the Colbitz-Letzlinger Heide . After this idea could not be implemented, however, the association got involved in the construction on the Great Wartberg in Schnarsleben.

Bismarck Tower in winter

The 12 m high tower goes back to the design of the government architect Schumann from Friedeberg. The construction was carried out by master builder Friedrich Müller from Schnarsleben. Construction work began on May 5, 1910. A lookout tower made of sandstone and granite boulders was built on a square floor plan measuring 6 by 6 meters . The tower was provided with a fire bowl in which a fire was to be lit on appropriate occasions. A Bismarck coat of arms was placed over the roof gable on the entrance side. On the northern side of the tower, under the cornice between two windows, the year 1910 can be read. On the south side there was an imperial eagle relief made by the sculptor Neumann from Erxleben . 29 stone and 18 metal steps lead to the viewing platform.

A memorial stone was placed in front of the tower. On this there was a relief by Bismarck. The relief was made by the Lauchhammer art and bell foundry .

The inauguration of the tower took place on September 11, 1910. The construction costs amounted to 15,000 marks.

During the GDR era , the references to Bismarck were removed from the tower. However, the tower itself was preserved. In 1993 and 1994, the Naturfreunde Wartberg association renovated the tower so that the tower can still be accessed today.

Web links

Commons : Bismarck Tower  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 52 ° 9 ′ 4.5 ″  N , 11 ° 29 ′ 4.5 ″  E