Bititic vase

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Detail of the bitite vase

The Bitikvase is a cult vessel from the ancient Ethite period that has only survived in fragments and is similar in style and content to the İnandık vase and those of Hüseyindede . The vase comes from Bitik, a place 42 km northeast of Ankara , and is in the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in Ankara.

The illustration consists of three friezes. On the bottom two men standing opposite each other with swords are depicted, possibly a sword dance or a ritual fight, similar to those described in Hittite ritual texts. In the middle frieze, four people walking to the right with offerings can be seen. In the top register, a man and a woman sit across from each other in a small room. Since the man unveils the woman, the scene was interpreted as Hieros Gamos .
