Leaf cell

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As leaf vane are among mosses large cells called at the corners of the sheet substrate. They occur in a few acrocarpic ( e.g. Dicranaceae ) and many pleurocarpic deciduous mosses. They are uncolored in young leaves. Their shape ranges from large, thick-walled and reddish-brown to puffed, thin-walled and translucent. Representatives of the Amblystegiaceae and the tropical Sematophyllaceae have particularly large leaf wing cells.

In addition to water storage, their function is to absorb water into the leaf, which rises capillary along the outside of the stem.

supporting documents

  • Jan-Peter Frahm: Biology of Mosses . Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg and Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-8274-0164-X , pp. 85, 153.