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Calliergonella cuspidata

Calliergonella cuspidata

Department : Moss (Bryophyta)
Subdivision : Bryophytina
Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Bryidae
Order : Hypnales
Family : Amblystegiaceae
Scientific name
G. Roth

The Amblystegiaceae are a family of the moss order Hypnales .


They are a rather heterogeneous and diverse group of mosses. The plants mostly grow in loose lawns and are weakly to irregularly branched. The leaves are very rich in shape. The leaf vein is simple, strong or short and double or absent. The lamina cells are prosenchymatic or rhombic . The leaf wings are differentiated.

The capsule is oval to cylindrical, the position upright, inclined to horizontal. The peristome is double, the capsule lid is conical.


The species in the family usually grow in very moist to wet locations such as swamps, moors, running or standing water. The family is particularly widespread in the temperate and cold zones of the earth.


The Amblystegiaceae family is placed in the order Hypnales . It comprises 23 genera with around 145 species. The description of the family is based on molecular genetic data, morphological synapomorphies are missing. In 2009, Stech and Frey divided the family as follows (species only listed as examples):

Another eight genera are provisionally placed in the Amblystegiaceae. They have either not yet been investigated by molecular genetics or are not part of the Amblystegiaceae sensu strictu:

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Frey, Michael Stech, Eberhard Fischer: Bryophytes and Seedless Vascular Plants (= Syllabus of Plant Families. 3). 13th edition. Borntraeger, Berlin et al. 2009, ISBN 978-3-443-01063-8 , p. 221 ff.


Web links

Commons : Amblystegiaceae  - collection of images, videos, and audio files